The Oberman Family
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Oberman-Steins (Eva Oberman with book)

Between 1888 and 1919, two Oberman brothers and their families left Ukraine for America: Yacov (Jacob) Oberman and Shmuel (Samuel) Oberman. This site is devoted to their family tree. (Samuel Oberman was my great grandfather.) Our family tree more than 650 descendants of these two brothers! (Well over 1000 people, counting spouses.) Our family tree lists nine generations, going back to the mid-1800s in present-day Ukraine. Click on the buttons above for details!

Click here for a page that explains where our families lived in Ukraine. Where were the Obermans born?

And click here for a page that shows what our family tree looked like on 1 January 1900.

Shmuel Oberman was married to Chava Lis Oberman. We are beginning to learn a great deal about our Lis family. Click here for Lis family details in the 1800s.

If you are interested, I have copies of census records, passenger lists, birth/marriage/death records, city directories, naturalization records, and a variety of other family documents relating to the first 3 or 4 generations of our family tree. Let me know if you'd like copies.

I hope you enjoy our family site!

Oberman-Goldfines (Fannie in middle)
Dan Kazez
danielkazez [at] gmail [dot] com

my web site: click here

P.S. Nearly all of our family was born in the city of Zaslav, which is now a part of Ukraine. Adam Stein, one of our cousins, visited Zaslav to celebrate Passover in 2000. Click here for a photo of Adam standing next to the city sign for Zaslav.

Our fathers and uncles register for the draft, 1917-1919
I have looked over many of Chicago's WWI draft registration records in search of documents for our family. Because Chicago had 86 different draft boards at the time, I did not find everyone. Click on a highlighted person below to see his draft registration card. Links will open in a new window.

Chaim Oberman
     Schmuel-Samuel Oberman (1850 - 1930)
          Yetta (Oberman) Stein (1876 - 1968)
               Sam Stein (1896 - 1974)
               Frank Julius Stein (1898 - 1978)
          Mollie (Oberman) Soble (1880 - 1966)
          Joe Oberman (1886 - 1957)
          Jake Oberman (1886 - 1963)
          Herman Oberman (1892 - 1961)
          Fannie (Oberman) Soble (1894 - 1984)
          Bertha (Oberman) Talman (1895 - 1977)
          & Harry Talman (1889 - 1938)
          Lillian (Oberman) Mozner (1896 - 1926)
          Charlie Oberman (1898 - 1972)
     Yakov-Jacob Israel Oberman (?1849 - 1914)
          Fannie (Oberman) Goldfine>>Cohen (1866 - 1922)
               Ascher Hirsch Charles Goldfine (1885 - 1949)
               Maurice Goldfine (1890 - ~1968)
               Julius Jay Goldfine (1893 - 1946)
               Emanuel Goldfine (1894 - 1963)
          Harry Oberman (1881 - 1958)
          Joe Oberman (1884 - 1971)
          Alice Oberman (?1889 - 1907)
          Mollie (Oberman) Oberman (1891 - 1965)
          Louis Jack Oberman (1896 - 1968)
          Sam Oberman (1897 - 1957)
          Etta (Oberman) Solomon (?1898 - 1970)
          Ruth (Oberman) Goodman (1903 - 1974)
          Milton Jacob Oberman (1905 - 1987)

Here are the first three generations of our Oberman family tree

Chaim-Hyman Lipah? Oberman
& Rachel (name?) Lipa... Oberman
  born. Krasilov or Medvedovka, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   [Schmul-Shmuel] Samuel Oberman
|     born. 1850, Zaslav or Krasilov, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|     died. 26 Aug 1930, Chicago, IL
|   & [Chave-Chava] Eva (Liss) Oberman
|     born. 1851, Zaslav or Mikolaiev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|     died. 15 Jul 1938, Chicago, IL
|   |   [Yenta-Jente] Yetta (Oberman) Stein
|   |     born. 15 Mar 1876, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 12 Aug 1968, Chicago, IL
|   |     home. Lived in Chicago, IL.
|   |   & [Mordachai-Motel-Mottel] Max Stein
|   |     born. 15 Mar 1868, Mikolaiev or Proskurov, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 12 Aug 1941, Chicago, IL
|   |     home. Perhaps was from Volochisk?
|   |     marr. abt 1892
|   |   [Malke] Mollie (Oberman) Soble>>Mozner*
|   |     born. 1880, probably Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 26 Dec 1966, Chicago, IL
|   |   & [Yitzchak-Itzok] Isaac-Isac Soble
|   |     born. 1867, Mogilev (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 26 Oct 1924, Philadelphia, PA
|   |     marr. 1900, Proskurov?, Ukraine
|   |   [Malke] Mollie (Oberman) Soble>>Mozner*
|   |     born. 1880, probably Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 26 Dec 1966, Chicago, IL
|   |   & Abraham-Abe Mozner
|   |     born. 30 Jun 1889, Borszcow/Boshchur, Austria or Poland
|   |     died. 7 Oct 1948, Chicago, IL
|   |   [Jossel] Joseph-Joe Oberman
|   |     born. 8 Feb 1886, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 7 Oct 1957, Chicago, IL
|   |   & [Malke?] Mollie (Oberman) Oberman
|   |     born. 7 Jan 1891, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 13 Sep 1965, East Grand Rapids, MI
|   |     home. Lived in East Grand Rapids, MI 3 years.
|   |     marr. 8 Jun 1909
|   |   [Jankel] Jacob-Jake Oberman
|   |     born. 24 Mar 1886, Zaslav (Lewis, birth cert) or Medvelivky
|   |     died. 29 May 1963, Chicago, IL
|   |   & Fannie (Broxmeier) Oberman
|   |     born. 1888, Galitza and/or Voiston (sp?), Austria
|   |     died. 7 Jun 1946
|   |     marr. 1907
|   |   [Henach] Herman Oberman
|   |     born. 1 Jan 1892, Zaslav, Podolia or Medvedenky/Mdewedovka
|   |     died. 1 Feb 1961, Canoga Park, CA
|   |     home. Lived in Canoga Park, CA.
|   |   & Bella (Shuchalter) Oberman
|   |     born. Aug 1897, Grading (Gorodock), present Ukraine
|   |     died. 29 Mar 1990, CA
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Soble>>Stern>>Rubin>>Linker*
|   |     born. 20 Apr 1894, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 2 Feb 1984, Miami, FL
|   |     home. Lived in Miami, FL.
|   |   & [Sholom Fridel] Frank Soble
|   |     born. 12 Oct 1890, Proskurov, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 18 Aug 1921, Bronx, NY
|   |     home. Lived in NY.
|   |     marr. 25 Jan 1910, Philadelphia, PA
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Soble>>Stern>>Rubin>>Linker*
|   |     born. 20 Apr 1894, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 2 Feb 1984, Miami, FL
|   |     home. Lived in Miami, FL.
|   |   & 2. Abraham-Abe Stern
|   |     born. 1871
|   |     died. 12 Dec 1934, Chicago, IL
|   |     home. Lived in Chicago, IL.
|   |     marr. 1921/2
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Soble>>Stern>>Rubin>>Linker*
|   |     born. 20 Apr 1894, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 2 Feb 1984, Miami, FL
|   |     home. Lived in Miami, FL.
|   |   & 3. Mory Rubin
|   |     died. ?
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Soble>>Stern>>Rubin>>Linker*
|   |     born. 20 Apr 1894, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 2 Feb 1984, Miami, FL
|   |     home. Lived in Miami, FL.
|   |   & 4. Charles Linker
|   |     born. 17 Jun 1900
|   |     died. Oct 1984
|   |   [Brone] Bertha (Oberman) Talman>>Gordon*
|   |     born. 6 Mar 1895, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 7 Apr 1977, L.A., CA
|   |     home. Chicago, IL --> L.A., CA. around late 1950s.
|   |   & [Josek Gersz] Harry Talman
|   |     born. 15 Sep 1889, Novoradomsk (Radomsko), Poland
|   |     died. 25 Jun 1938, Chicago, IL
|   |     home. Radomsko --> Chicago, IL.
|   |     marr. 7 Sep 1913, Chicago, IL
|   |   [Brone] Bertha (Oberman) Talman>>Gordon*
|   |     born. 6 Mar 1895, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 7 Apr 1977, L.A., CA
|   |     home. Chicago, IL --> L.A., CA. around late 1950s.
|   |   & 2. Philip-Phil Gordon
|   |     born. 20 Nov 1894, NY
|   |     died. 10 Jul 1986, Pacoima CA 91331
|   |     home. Lived at 1411 No. Fuller Ave, L.A., CA 90046.
|   |     marr. aft Jul 1941, Chicago, IL
|   |   [Leah] Leike>>Lillian-Lily (Oberman) Mozner
|   |     born. 25 Jan 1896, Zaslov, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 21 Sep 1926, Chicago, IL
|   |   & Abraham-Abe Mozner
|   |     born. 30 Jun 1889, Borszcow/Boshchur, Austria or Poland
|   |     died. 7 Oct 1948, Chicago, IL
|   |   [Schie] Charles-Charlie Oberman
|   |     born. 10 Nov 1898, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 19 Dec 1972, North Miami Beach, FL
|   |   & Minnie (Zwieback) Oberman
|   |     born. 31 Dec 1898, Katerinaslev/Katerinislov, Russia
|   |     died. Jan 1991, Miami, FL
|   |     marr. 21 Oct 1917, Chicago, IL
|   Yakov-Jacob Israel Oberman*
|     born. ? 1849-52, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|     died. 8 Sep 1914, Chicago, IL
|   & 1. Yetta (name?) Oberman
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Goldfine>>Matcoff>>Cohen*
|   |     born. Mar 1866, ? Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 20 Sep 1922, Chicago, IL
|   |   & 1. [Leibe] Louis H. Goldfine
|   |     born. Jan 1866, Russia
|   |     died. 10 Aug 1911
|   |     marr. 1884
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Goldfine>>Matcoff>>Cohen*
|   |     born. Mar 1866, ? Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 20 Sep 1922, Chicago, IL
|   |   & 2. Jacob Matcoff
|   |     born. 1859
|   |     marr. 12 Nov 1913, Chicago, IL
|   |   Fannie (Oberman) Goldfine>>Matcoff>>Cohen*
|   |     born. Mar 1866, ? Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 20 Sep 1922, Chicago, IL
|   |   & 3. Simon Cohen
|   |     marr. abt 1918
|   |   [Aron] Harry Oberman
|   |     born. 6 Jul 1881, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 7 Jan 1958, Chicago, IL
|   |   & Ester (Momend>>Moment) Oberman
|   |     born. 1883, Russia
|   |     died. 13 Nov 1975, Skokie, IL
|   |     marr. 8 Sep 1903, Chicago, IL
|   |   [Jossel] Joseph-Joe J. Oberman*
|   |     born. 15 Aug 1884, Kowno (Rowno?) (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 26 Oct 1971, Skokie, IL
|   |   & 1. Eva (Morrison) Oberman
|   |     born. 14 Mar 1889, Chicago, IL
|   |     died. 26 Dec 1913, Chicago, IL
|   |     marr. abt 1907, probaby Chicago, IL
|   |   [Jossel] Joseph-Joe J. Oberman*
|   |     born. 15 Aug 1884, Kowno (Rowno?) (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 26 Oct 1971, Skokie, IL
|   |   & 2. Jenny (Goldblatt) Oberman
|   |     born. abt 1883
|   |     died. 30 Apr 1961
|   |     marr. abt 1915, probably Chicago, IL
|   Yakov-Jacob Israel Oberman*
|     born. ? 1849-52, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|     died. 8 Sep 1914, Chicago, IL
|   & 2. Sprinza-Sarah (Gomkovoy or Goncavoi or Guncuwky) Oberman
|     born. ? 1867-70
|     died. 22 Oct 1918
|     marr. 1888
|   |   Alice-Helen? Oberman
|   |     born. ? Sep 1889, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 27 Nov 1907
|   |   [Malke?] Mollie (Oberman) Oberman
|   |     born. 7 Jan 1891, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 13 Sep 1965, East Grand Rapids, MI
|   |     home. Lived in East Grand Rapids, MI 3 years.
|   |   & [Jossel] Joseph-Joe Oberman
|   |     born. 8 Feb 1886, Zaslav, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 7 Oct 1957, Chicago, IL
|   |     marr. 8 Jun 1909
|   |   Louis Jack Oberman
|   |     born. 12 Sep 1896, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 2 Jan 1968, San Francisco, CA
|   |   [Shmuel?] Samuel-Sam Oberman
|   |     born. 7 Oct 1897, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 1 Oct 1957, Chicago, IL
|   |   & Etta (Binenfeld) Oberman
|   |     born. 3 Jun 1898, Chicago, IL
|   |     died. 8 May 1956, Chicago, IL
|   |     marr. Crown Point (Lake County), IN
|   |   Etta (Oberman) Solomon>>Jacobs>>Novotny>>Rosow*
|   |     born. ? 20 Sep 1898, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 1 May 1970, San Antonio, TX
|   |     home. Last residence, 2011 N Flores St, San Antonio, TX.
|   |   & 1. Hyman Solomon
|   |     born. 1 Mar 1896, IL
|   |     died. 24 Dec 1937, Portland, OR
|   |     marr. 15 Aug 1917, Chicago, IL
|   |   Etta (Oberman) Solomon>>Jacobs>>Novotny>>Rosow*
|   |     born. ? 20 Sep 1898, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 1 May 1970, San Antonio, TX
|   |     home. Last residence, 2011 N Flores St, San Antonio, TX.
|   |   & 2. Samuel-Sam Jacobs
|   |     born. abt 1904
|   |     died. 25 Apr 1953, Chicago, IL
|   |     marr. aft 1937, Chicago, IL
|   |   Etta (Oberman) Solomon>>Jacobs>>Novotny>>Rosow*
|   |     born. ? 20 Sep 1898, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 1 May 1970, San Antonio, TX
|   |     home. Last residence, 2011 N Flores St, San Antonio, TX.
|   |   & 3. Nick Novotny
|   |     born. 25 Sep 1884
|   |     died. Sep 1964
|   |     marr. abt 1962
|   |   Etta (Oberman) Solomon>>Jacobs>>Novotny>>Rosow*
|   |     born. ? 20 Sep 1898, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |     died. 1 May 1970, San Antonio, TX
|   |     home. Last residence, 2011 N Flores St, San Antonio, TX.
|   |   & 4. Jack Rosow
|   |     born. 7 Jul 1887
|   |     died. May 1979
|   |     home. Phoenix, AZ.
|   |     marr. aft 1966, probably Chicago, IL
|   |   (name not on birth cert) Oberman
|   |     born. 24 Jun 1902, Chicago, IL
|   |     died. bef 1910
|   |   Ruth (Oberman) Goodman
|   |     born. 7 May 1903, IL
|   |     died. 15 Oct 1974
|   |   & Jack Goodman
|   |     marr. 23 Aug 1927, Chicago, IL
|   |   Morris>>Milton Jacob Oberman*
|   |     born. 1 Oct 1905, Chicago, IL
|   |     died. 1 Jul 1987, Eastpointe, MI 48021
|   |   & 1. Ruth (Searle) Oberman
|   |     born. 12 Jun 1908, Chicago, IL
|   |     died. 17 Jan 1969, East Detroit, MI
|   |     home. Lived in CA.
|   |     marr. 15 Apr 1939, Chicago, Cook County, IL
|   |   Morris>>Milton Jacob Oberman*
|   |     born. 1 Oct 1905, Chicago, IL
|   |     died. 1 Jul 1987, Eastpointe, MI 48021
|   |   & 2. Madeline (Besore) Towery>>Oberman
|   |     born. 1914
|   |     home. Warren, MI.
|   |     marr. 28 Jun 1969, East Detroit, MI
|   |   name? Oberman
|   |     born. bef 1910
|   |     died. bef 1910
|   |   name? Oberman
|   |     born. bef 1910
|   |     died. bef 1910
|   name? (Oberman) Axmann
|   & Pinic Axmann

Our Lis family (based on Chava Lis Oberman, wife of Shmuel Oberman)

Yankel? (or Yacov?) Lisker
  born. bef 1756
|   Berko Yankelevich? (or Yakovich?) Lisker? Lis?
|     born. abt 1776
|     died. 1824
|   & Etya (maiden name?) Lisker? Lis?
|   |   Moshe Yankel Lis
|   |     born. abt 1792
|   |     died. 1830
|   |   & Blima (maiden name?) Lis
|   |   |   Boruh Lis
|   |   |     born. bef 1830
|   |   |   |   Moshe Yankel Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1 Sep 1859, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. 13 Aug 1869, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   Mordko Gersh Lis
|   |     born. abt 1792-94
|   |   & Rana (maiden name?) Lys
|   |     born. abt 1795
|   |   |   Aba [but also listed as part of grandfather Berko’s family!] Lis-Lisker
|   |   |     born. abt 1817
|   |   |   & Sepa (maiden name) Lis
|   |   |   |   Gosya Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 11 Sep 1852, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |   Mordko Gersh Lis-Lisker
|   |   |   |     born. 1 May 1861, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. 28 Nov 1865
|   |   |   Shaya Lis
|   |   |     born. 1819-1820
|   |   |   & [Brone?] Bertha (name?) Lis
|   |   |     born. bef 1833
|   |   |   |   [Chave-Chava] Eva (Liss) Oberman
|   |   |   |     born. 1851, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. 15 Jul 1938, Chicago, IL
|   |   |   |   & [Schmul-Shmuel] Samuel Oberman
|   |   |   |     born. 1850, Zaslav (present Izyaslav, Ukraine) or Krasilov, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. 26 Aug 1930, Chicago, IL
|   |   |   |   Mendel Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1850-1853
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   |   Ios Lis
|   |   |   |   |     born. abt 1871
|   |   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   Mordko Lis
|   |   |   |     born. abt 1859
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   Mordko-Gersh Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 2 May 1859, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. 3 Jan 1860, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |   name? (Lis) Aksman
|   |   |   |   & Pinic Aksman? Axmann?
|   |   |   Tsalya-Tsal Lis
|   |   |     born. abt 1822
|   |   |   Nuhim Lis
|   |   |     born. abt 1828
|   |   |   Hana Beila Lis
|   |   |     born. abt 1831
|   |   |   Etya Lis
|   |   |     born. abt 1832
|   |   |   Itsko [also listed as child of uncle Shaya Lisker!] Lis-Lisker
|   |   |   Yankel [but also listed as part of grandfather Berko’s family!] Lis-Lisker
|   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   Itsko-Itska Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1840-1841
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   |   Srul Lis
|   |   |   |   |     born. 1874
|   |   |   |   Ios Lis
|   |   |   |     born. abt 1842
|   |   |   |     died. not listed in 1875 census
|   |   |   |   Mordko Gersh Lis-Lisker
|   |   |   |     born. 1859-1861
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   Shaya Lisker? Lis?
|   |     born. abt 1800
|   |     died. 1831
|   |   & Hana Lis
|   |     born. abt 1898
|   |   Leib-Leiba Lis
|   |     born. abt 1793/1795
|   |     died. aft 1851
|   |   & Sheina? Haya (maiden name?) Lis
|   |     born. abt 1791, (for Sheina)
|   |   |   Itsik-Itska Leibovich Lis
|   |   |     born. 1815-1819
|   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   & Sepa? (maiden name?) Lis Gandler?
|   |   |     born. bef 1837
|   |   |     died. aft 1858
|   |   |   |   Malis-Manis Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1837-1838
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   Etlya Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1 Jul 1852
|   |   |   |   Leiba Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1854-1855
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   |   Ihel-Ihul Duvid Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 9 Jul 1858, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1875
|   |   |   Haim Gersh Lis
|   |   |     born. abt 1819/1821
|   |   |     died. aft 1851
|   |   |   & Feiga (maiden name?) Lis
|   |   |     born. bef 1836
|   |   |     died. aft 1851
|   |   |   |   Wol Lis
|   |   |   |     born. abt 1842
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1851
|   |   |   |   Itsko Duvid Lis
|   |   |   |     born. abt 1845
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1851
|   |   |   |   Hana Malka Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 5 Feb 1851, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1851
|   |   |   |   Abrum Ide Lis
|   |   |   |     born. 1 Jul 1860, Mikolaiev/Nikolaev, Podolia (present Ukraine)
|   |   |   |     died. aft 1860
|   |   |   Perlya Rysya Lis
|   |   |     born. abt 1824, aft 1834

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