Three siblings, the children of Berek and Malka: 2. Jankiel (Yaakov) Telman, around 1925 (my grandfather's uncle)
3. Emanuel Talman, around 1930 (my great grandfather)
Here are some more Talman family photos. (Links open in a new window.) Please let me know if you have any other early photographs! Beril-Berl-Berek Taelman (1835 - 1924) & Malka (Jurkiewicz) Taelman (~1836 - 1904) | [Hana] Anna (Talman) Luks>>Lux (1858 - 1927) [PHOTO above] | Abram Taelman>>Telman-Talman (1862 - 1933) | | [Icek Lajb] Leo I. Talman (1887 - 1964) PHOTO | Jankiel-Yaakov Telman* (1864 - 1938) PHOTO | & 1. Frymet-Fruma (Koplewicz) Telman (~1868 - 1930) | | Sura-Sara (Telman) Krzepicki (1894 - ~1939) PHOTO | | & Avraham Krzepicki (1897 - ~1939) FAMILY PHOTO | | | Shoshana-Roza-Ruja Krzepicki (~1928 - ~1939) | | | Moshe Marik Krzepicki (~1930 - ~1939) | | Laja-Leah-Lea (Telman) Birenboim (1896 - 1972) PHOTO 1922, PHOTO 1923 | | & Avraham Zeilig Birenboim (1900 - 1963) COUPLE PHOTO 1, COUPLE PHOTO 2 | | | Tsafrira (Birenboim) Harel (1930 - ) PHOTO OF TWO SISTERS 1936 | | | Fruma-Ruma (Birenboim) Aviel (1932 - ) | | Tsila Telman (~1915 - 1942) PHOTO | [Mnyl-Manial] Emanuel Taelman>>Talman (1866 - 1950) PHOTO | & [Szprinze] Frances (Englender) Talman (1866 - 1957) PHOTO | | [Josek Hersz] Harry Talman (1889 - 1938) PHOTO 1915?, FAMILY PHOTO 1914? | | & [Brone] Bertha (Oberman) Talman>>Gordon (1895 - 1977) | | Leonard-Leo-Lee Harold Talman* (1914 - 1977) PHOTO, PHOTO WITH MYSTERY WOMAN | | | Neal Talman (1970 - ) PHOTO WITH FATHER | Gitla (Talman) Ofman (1870 - 1927) | | Abraham Ofman (1898 - 1985) PHOTO | | Salomon-Shloime Ofman (1905 - 1987) | | | [Fejga] Ziporah-Tsipi (Ofman) Orlev (1946 - ) PHOTO OF TWO SISTERS | | | Chaya (Ofman) Mishaely (1949 - ) Gitl Telman Ofman died in 1927, in Leipzig, Germany, where she was taken by her son Abraham Ofman for medical treatment. Here are three views of her tombstone, and the cemetery in which she is buried. home | photographs | documents | family trees |